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In situ measurements - sampling in different types of water
Description of the programme
These interlaboratory comparisons (AGLAE's programmes 100A - 100C - 100D - 101A) are provided in the frame of:
- accreditation scopes related to sampling of water and in situ analyses for physico-chemical parameters (check AGLAE's accreditation - Cofrac No. 1-1664)
- approvals issued by Departments of environment or Ministries of Health
List of parameters
In situ measurements and sampling in different types of waters
3 possible places in France:
- M100A - Nord
- M100C - Rhône
- M100D - Creuse
in situ measurements:
- In several types of water: bathing water, river water and other types of water depending on the places
- Parameters*: pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, percentage of oxygen saturation, turbidity, temperature, Secchi disc transparency, REDOX potential. Other parameters may be provided depending on the place.
Sampling of surface water and/or bathing water:
- Analyses by a third party:microbiological* parameters (intestinal enterococci, E. coli, …) and chemical* (suspended matters, nitrates, organic carbon, total phosphorus, calcium, …)
* Non exhaustive list of parameters. This list will be adapted according to the chacracteristics of the waters and places.
The test documents of these Proficiency Testing Schemes are not translated into English.
Sampling using automatic samplers in treatment plant
M101A - Nord
Possibility to combine the 2 PTs 100A and 101A
Parameters* : pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, percentage of oxygen saturation, turbidity, temperature. Other parameters may be provided.
- Sampling:
Analyses by a third party: chemical parameters* (suspended matters, nitrates, organic carbon, total phosphorus, ammonium, calcium, …)
* Non exhaustive list of parameters. This list will be adapted according to the chacracteristics of the waste waters.
The test documents of these Proficiency Testing Schemes are not translated into English.