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Materials for your Internal Quality Control

Materials for your Internal Quality Control
AGLAE provides its members with Quality Control Materials.
These are materials coming from proficiency testing regarding chemistry in solid matrices (sludges, sediments, sites and soils).
They are provided with a certificate (includes a summary of the assigned values and their uncertainties obtained during the test).
Check the Eurachem information leaflet about the use of surplus proficiency test items.
These materials can be used in the frame of the monitoring and improvement of laboratories' analytical performance, especially for:
- the internal quality control
- the follow up of your corrective actions (in particular in case of unsatisfactory results during a test)
- the validation of methods
- support for staff training
Any member of the Association can buy these materials at any time during the year, whether the lab has participated or not in the proficiency tests where the material comes from. Test materials are available once the test report is issued.
Contact us if you are interested in these materials.