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Medical biology

Medical laboratories and hospitals analyse samples supplied by AGLAE.
⇒ AGLAE provides 16 programmes in this category of "Medical biology" External Quality Assessment.
AGLAE assesses the participants' analytical performance. This assessment enables them to improve the quality of their measurements on biological matrices.

Why take part in "Medical Biology" External Quality Assessments?
These assessments are carried out as part of self-inspection or accreditation.
They enable to cover some of the requirements of ISO 15189 accreditation "Medical laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence" in accordance with the standard scopes for accreditation of medical biology examinations.

What types of samples does AGLAE provide in these External Quality Assessments?
- Synthetic urine
- Synthetic stool
- Human blood
- Synthetic Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
- Synthetic sputum
- Solutions contaminated with bacterial strains

What analyses do the laboratories carry out?
A wide range of cytology and bacteriology tests are available, including:
- Cytobacteriological examination of urine (ECBU) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
- Sputum bacteriology
- Detection of urinary legionella or pneumococcal antigens
- Blood culture, bacteraemia and fungaemia
- Detection of streptococcus B
- Microscopic examinations (Gram stain)
- Antibiotic susceptibility testing by diffusion

Benefits of AGLAE "Medical Biology" External Quality Assessments
- Since its creation, AGLAE has specialised in interlaboratory tests for microbiological analyses.
- External Quality Assessments have been provided in the field of medical biology for over 10 years (introduced in 2012).
- AGLAE provides quality control materials close to patient samples.
- The assessments are drawn up in consultation with experts in the field (private- medical biology laboratories and hospitals).
- A systematic comparison of analytical practices (different automated systems, culture media, reference systems) is carried out and the reports are personalised with the results of the laboratories for a large number of these assessments.

Other External Quality Assessments that may be of interest to you
AGLAE can also improve the quality of your measurements in the following areas:
- water microbiology (including legionella, pathogenic staphylococci)
- water for medical use (microbiological analyses of water used in dialysis, endoscopes, etc.).
See all AGLAE's tests