Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing by diffusion - disk method

image banniére
EQA medical biology

Description of the programme

These interlaboratory comparisons (AGLAE's programme ‘118’) address medical biology laboratories and hospital laboratories.

Characteristics of these EQA:

  • Receipt of a neutral solution contaminated by an identified strain, with a clinical scenario
  • Isolation, preparation of the inoculum and implementation of an Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST) by diffusion
  • On-line data entry

List of parameters

Détail des paramètres mis en oeuvre

Global evaluation with: 
-    Evaluation of clinical categorisations considering the dispersion around the diameter for each antibiotic,
-    Evaluation of the measurement of inhibition zone diameters for each antibiotic,
-    Evaluation of overall trends to over or underestimate the diameter measurement across all antibiotics.
Assessments provided for several technicians: report of referent results and up to 5 additional results (measurement of diameters).

Find the Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing by diffusion - gradient method (MIC strips)
