Microbial indicators of faecal contamination by MPN method

image banniére

Description of the programme

These interlaboratory comparisons (AGLAE's programme ‘11’) in surface waters, bathing freshwaters, sea waters and waste waters are provided in the frame of:

  • approvals to carry out microbiological analyses for drinking waters, fresh bathing waters, saline bathing waters and waste waters  (check AGLAE's accreditation - Cofrac No. 1-1664)

  • approvals of Ministries of Health

List of parameters

Détail des paramètres mis en oeuvre

Coliform bacteria provided only in surface water and bathing freshwaters

Coliform bacteria: parameter compatible with ISO 9308-2 and NF T90-413

Escherichia coli: parameter compatible with ISO 9308-2 and ISO 9308-3

Intestinal enterococci: parameter compatible with ISO 7899-1 and Enterolert E
