
cremeAGLAE conducts every year an interlaboratory comparison on cosmetic product: "challenge test".
During this accredited challenge test, laboratories perform preservation efficacy tests.

Two new tests are provided for the enumeration of aerobic mesophilic bacteria and yeasts/moulds and the detection of specified micro-organisms.

These tests provide laboratories with an assessment of their performance and guidelines for improvements if necessary.

More information on the page microbiology in cosmetics




 Contact us to participate in the 2024 scheme.

Note that you may register at any time during the year.

Just pay attention to the registration deadline for the tests.


Bitume-analysesAGLAE provides you with a proficiency test on ‘PAHs in bituminous waste'.

your laboratory will be assessed for the quantitative determination of 16 PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) and C10-C21 and C10-C40 total hydrocarbon indexes in bituminous waste.

Find all information in the flyer:  ‘PTS PAHs in bituminous waste'.
Register promptly, limited quantity of materials


spores de Clostridium perfringensIn the frame of this proficiency test, each laboratory will enumerate according to ISO 14189 vegetative cells and spores of Clostridium perfringens by membrane filtration in samples of water aimed at human consumption.

Find more information in the flyer to download.

Register by May, 15th 2024. Contact us for any question or request of quote.

Laboratory of "heavy" industry


You are an industry from the metallurgical, chemical, oil, nuclear, textile, pharmaceutical sectors, or a service provider working in these fields. You monitor discharges into the air, water, soil, sludge coming from your wastewater treatment plant, your waste or the water in your cooling circuits. 
AGLAE provides you with interlaboratory comparisons of physico-chemical and microbiological parameters in wastewater, sludge, waste and soil.

Rejet eaux usées

The analyses performed by your laboratory of the industrial field

  • In order to prevent any environmental contamination (rivers, groundwater, soil, etc.), industrial companies must, depending on their activity, comply with requirements in terms of resources and/or results, as their discharges can have a significant impact on the environment and public health.
  • Chemical substances (macropollutants and micropollutants) are analysed in wastewater from classified installations for the protection of the environment. It should be noted that industry is responsible for a large proportion of organic pollutants discharges and almost all discharges of heavy metals.
  • Some substances, because of their complexity of analysis, deserve special attention: alkylphenols and their ethoxylated forms, free cyanides, PFAS (in particular in the textile industry), brominated flame retardants (BDEs). 
  • The trace element content of the sludge is measured with a view to its possible application to land.
  • Waste is characterised before it is landfilled or stored.

Analyses laboratoire chimie

Your expectations in terms of Quality Control


When it comes to controlling and reducing pollutant discharges into water, two major European regulations are essential:

This Directive is transposed in each European country and requires that installations classified for environmental protection research hazardous substances in their effluents, with the aim of reducing or halting discharges and emissions of many substances. 

  • The Directive No. 2010/75/EU, known as the "IED Directive" on industrial emissions (preventing and controlling industrial emissions).


As part of regulatory surveillance or self-monitoring, you ensure the validity of your results and monitor your performance by comparing it with the results of other laboratories.

EIL chimie microbiologie

Which proficiency tests could be of interest to you?


Your laboratory is likely to be interested in these proficiency tests:

By taking part in these intercomparisons, you receive an estimate of your analytical performance, enabling you to improve the quality of your measurements on your discharges.

Do you have any question? Need a quote?  Contact us

Already participated in AGLAE's proficiency tests? Contact us by email or phone. Thank you to specify your login (member/file) number.

Never participated ? Download the  AGLAE 2024 registration form  and return it completed via the form below.

For more information, check the steps from registration to participation in AGLAE's proficiency tests.

One file only. 5 MB limit. Allowed types: docx, pdf.
The information collected on this form allows AGLAE to best respond to your request.
The “*” fields are essential for this purpose. To find out more about the management of your personal data and to exercise your rights, click here